To create an environment where success in life, success in recovery, and success in relationships is modeled and taught to our program members. Internal Peer Mentoring and External Case Managers will be utilized whenever possible to assist in this process.
To work with, and receive support from private, municipal, state, and federal agencies to house targeted groups that are focused on safe housing, recovery, or re-integration in to general society. These groups may include those who are Justice involved (such as Drug Court, Prisons, and Work Release), and that would otherwise be facing homelessness, and hopelessness. Some of our program member referral sources will include: Government agency specialists, Non-Profit Charities, Referral Networks, Social Media Presence, and focused advertising.
Targeted groups may include: Disabled and other qualified Veterans, aging out Foster Children, Department of Corrections releases, Golden Girls or Boys (low-income seniors), Disenfranchised men and women (some of whom will be working to re-gain custody of children), and Clean & Sober recovery.
We will operate according to the quality standards set by recognized state and national organizations. Which will also include the NARR (National Alliance for Recovery Residences), the WAQRR (Washington Alliance for Quality Recovery Residences). We recognize that affordability and addiction is affecting all levels and segments of our society.
We acknowledge that housing/shelter is a basic need that provides stability upon which a focus on recovery can begin, and that a house can change a life.
We invest in Real Estate to invest in people with the goal of ending housing insecurity. We seek out quality housing in safe and secure areas to be able to offer Shared Housing opportunities. Our mission is to improve lives with affordable housing environments that focus on respect, self-learning, introspection, and empathy.

To create a stable housing environment that allows a focus on sobriety and recovery. We recognize that housing is a necessity that facilitates positive change in the individual and the community.
A life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change; but until the basic need of shelter is met, the ability to initiate change is greatly impacted.
We will work to help break the chains of the past so that past mistakes can be put in the past.
We seek to establish personal accountability and to make amends to those who have been hurt by our life choices and our past behavior.
We acknowledge that the path to recovery will look different for each person, and recognize the right to choose a recovery path.
All program members self-select into a team environment, and the path to recovery will include service to others as we seek to not only benefit self, but the communities in which we live. We recognize being in a group setting allows the celebration and sharing of victories. Let the road to recovery lead you here. We are here to support one another, not “fix” one another.